Discover 2.2 is good to go. Users - we will be in touch this week to schedule a change window so we can get all this goodness in your hands.
Treat yourself to the full release notes below and, if you love nerding out, check out our full feature release timeline because we have much to share with you.
Features, Changes, and Enhancements.
Added: Not Ready Reason Codes can now by tagged as “Aftercall” so wallboards and dashboards can accurately reflect contact centre platform configurations using more than one aftercall state.
Added: a brand-new Discover Health Dashboard in the Administration UI, completely redesigned from the ground up.
Added: “Agent States” to the Data Dictionary Manager, allowing users to define custom agent states.
Added: “Not Ready Reasons” to the Data Dictionary Manager, allowing users to define custom agent not ready reasons.
Added: a new customisable “No Data Available” message to lists where there are no rows to display.
Added: a “Hide When Empty” option to the Element Editor that allows Discover to hide specific list columns that contain no data.
Added: an option to the Element Editor allowing users to decide whether dashboards and wallboards using agent status lists should show a specific Not Ready Reason, or “Not Ready”.
Updated: the Not Ready duration shown in agent status lists will now represent the agent’s duration in the specific Not Ready Reason, previously this would show the agent’s duration in all Not Ready states. This affects AACC and ACCS users only.
Added: a “Last Modified” field to the Data Dictionary to show when an entity has been changed.
Added: a “Hide on Zero” option to the Element Editor for Agent Status Blocks. This allows Discover to hide an agent status segment where no agents are in that state.
Updated: reduced the default Screen Rotation Time from 30 seconds to 15 seconds.
Wallboard and Dashboard Templates.
Added: two new template designs making full use of the image features introduced in version 2.1:
'Team Performance and Queue Status'
'Two Team Performance and Queue Status'
Bug Fixes and Optimisations.
Added: new error handling and recovery for a reported loss of data between Discover and the contact centre platform causing an unrecoverable crash.
Fixed: the Screen Rotation Time field in the Screen Editor no longer resets to the default value when editing a screen.
Optimised: further application logging optimisations have increased overall performance.
Fixed: The Discover Administration Interface now ignores trailing spaces in name fields.
Known Issues.
Longer user defined Not Ready Reason text may exceed the limits of the graphical container in some wallboard and dashboard templates.